Lemon Mascarpone Cheesecake

Happy Monday everyone! Day 21 of quarantine in our house but who’s counting?! With Easter approaching on Sunday I am looking forward to having some sort of normalcy in our house so I’m doing all the Easter traditions we usually do. I ordered a ham, Easter basket fillers, egg dye kits, and candy for an Easter egg hunt. But of course, I can’t forget the menu. So this week I wanted to provide you guys some simple yet delicious recipes for your Easter celebration.

I decided to start the week with dessert because something sweet is known to cure all the blues! This Lemon Mascarpone Cheesecake is super easy and crazy delicious! Bonus… I was able to find all the ingredients in the store just last week! Side note, you might want to make 2 of these because it is that good! Like, I caught my husband eating it for breakfast good!

Leave me a comment if you have any questions or need substitution ideas!




8oz cream cheese *

8oz mascarpone cheese*

2 eggs*

1 egg yolk*


1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp cup granulated sugar

Zest from 1 lemon

1/4 cup milk

1 tsp vanilla

3 sheets graham crackers

1 cup pretzels

3 Tbsp butter, melted

*Make sure these ingredients are at room temperature


To make:

Pre-heat over to 375 degrees

In a food processor add the graham crackers and the pretzels. Pulse on high until fine, almost like a dust. Transfer to a bowl and add 1 Tbsp sugar and the melted butter. Mix to combine.


Spray an 8” springform pan with non-stick spray. Pour pretzel mixture into pan and press down on the bottom and up the sides about 1”. Place in over for 2-3 minutes, just to get the crust golden. Remove from oven and set aside.

In a large bowl or a stand mixer whisk the mascarpone, cream cheese, 1/2 cup sugar, vanilla, lemon zest, and eggs. Once combined add the milk and whisk until just combined.


Pour mixture into springform pan. Wrap base of pan with aluminum foil and place in a larger pan filled with about 1” of water to create a water bath.

Put pan with water bath into the oven.

Bake for 50-60 minutes until just golden on top and very little jiggle to the cake.

Remove from oven and let cool. Once cooled, chill in the fridge for 3+ hours. You can also make this 2-3 days ahead.

Serve cold with fresh fruit.
