Entertaining made Easy

This week I thought I would take a break from recipes and talk easy entertaining with you guys. I have stressed this over and over again but that’s because I think it’s so important - you MUST be a guest at your own party. This is the only way you will actually enjoy entertaining. So, I wanted to provide you with my entertaining rule book to help you entertain with ease and truly enjoy hosting.

Rule # 1

Make a list. Ok, I am very type A so I will find any reason to make a list but, I do think that making a list when you are having a party, large or small, is a good idea. It helps you understand what you are taking on. Is it a formal affair? Probably should be ironing napkins, polishing glasses, etc the days leading up. If it’s casual, your list may not be as long but, ask yourself what are you making? What can you prep ahead of time? Put together your grocery list. Small things add up so it’s best to keep track of everything you need.

Rule # 2

Prep as much as you can in advance. This ties back to making a list. Go through your menu and your to-dos and determine what can be done ahead of time. The little things add up and the little things are usually what you can do in advance so DO IT. Grate cheese, chop veggies, make the cocktail, anything you can do early is going to be worth it.

Rule # 3

Ask your guests to bring something if it helps you out. Doesn’t matter if it is an appetizer, dessert, wine, beer, ice, the lemons you forgot at the store, whatever helps you out. However, you are the host, so just make sure your request doesn’t put your guests out.

As the host, it’s important that you control the theme and tone of the party. So let your guests know what’s on the menu so they can compliment the menu with whatever they bring.

Rule # 4

Make sure the dishwasher and sink are 100% empty. This makes it super easy to rinse and load the dishwasher when everyone is done eating. The worst part about having a party is waking up to a kitchen filled with dirty dishes. If your dishwasher is empty, it will take no time to load the dishes and wipe down the counters and table. And if you have truly awesome friends, which I do, they load their own dishes!

Rule # 5

This should probably be rule # 1 because it may be the most important one. ALWAYS have small bites ready when the first guests arrive. Being hangry is a real thing, at least that’s what I tell my husband, and the last thing you want are hangry guests. ONE TIME, one time I was ill prepared and didn’t have enough food and I’ll never forget it. AND, my best friends husband will never let me forget it either. I was not prepared for the number of guests or how long everyone would stay and people were hangry. I mean, all I made was bread and soup. Seriously?! I know! Eight years later and I still can’t get over it. Anyways, it does not have to be a fancy appetizer, just offer the guests something to snack on. Nuts, olives, chips, a small charcuterie plate, anything to prevent your guests from asking “when will dinner be ready”.

Rule # 6

ALWAYS be a guest at your own party. I will say this time and time again. It’s so important! You should be having fun too. You should be able to socialize too. You should enjoy the food and drinks too. Don’t let the stress of entertaining prevent you from enjoying your party. By the time the first guest arrives your job should be 80% done. Appetizers and drinks should be ready to go and you should have a drink in hand. Dinner should either be in the oven or mostly prepped and ready to go in the oven. Keep things simple. It does not have to be fancy to be delicious.

I hope these tips will help you with your next party. My goal is to provide you the tools and recipes to be the entertainer everyone loves - free of stress and full of fun.

