Cornmeal Pizza Dough

Hi Everyone! It’s been a week since I have last posted mainly because I have changed up my normal entertaining recipes to focus on recipes that can be made with pantry staples. Since most of us are under quarantine and grocery stores are very picked over I figured this is the perfect time to use what we have and not waste. Plus, we shouldn’t be entertaining right now so, this seems like a good direction to go ;). So, I have already posted quite a few simple recipes straight to instagram and facebook so make sure you are following me there as well to get all the good stuff! Please email me, DM me, reach out however you communicate if you have any ingredients that you don’t know what to do with. It’s time to get creative!



1/2 cup warm water
1 Tbsp honey
2 tsp active yeast
4 Tbsp melted butter
3/4 cup cornmeal
1 1/4 cup bread flour or all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 425

To make:


Combine warm water, honey and yeast in a mixing bowl.

Let yeast activate for about 10 minutes. You know your yeast is active if it starts to foam.

Once active, add cornmeal, flour, salt and butter, mix to combine.

Once combined remove from bowl and place on clean surface with flour. Knead for 2 minutes.

Place dough in bowl and cover with clean kitchen towel.

Let rise in a warm dry place for 2 hours.

This dough is especially delicious in a cast iron pan so that’s how I recommend cooking it. Grease pan and press dough into pan and about 1” up the sides. Add all desired toppings. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy!