Chipotle Chili Mac

This recipe was inspired by a chili mac that my husband makes. It’s one of the few recipes he makes which is ok by me because I love it! However, it calls for a quite a few ingredients which just doesn’t work during quarantine times. So, I figured I would create a recipe with what I have and honestly it turned out perfectly! The flavor is slightly sweet and tangy with a big adobo taste. Best part is you can make a big batch, freeze it, and then create so many different meals with it when you need it. Last night I served it over a combination of spaghetti and carrot noodles with some fresh grated parmesan. It would be equally deiicous over polenta, rice, cauliflower rice, steamed veggies, baked potato, whatever. Regardless of what you choose, you will be going back for more.




1 lb ground meat (I used pork but any ground meat will work)

2 cans kidney beans (any beans will work here as well)

1-2 chipotles in adobo, finely chopped


4 cloves of garlic, minced

4 Tbsp butter

4 Tbsp chili sauce

1 Tbsp tomato paste

1 tsp dried orgegano

1 tsp dried basil

1/2 cup vegetable broth (any broth will work)

To Make:

In a large saute pan, brown meat on medium heat.

While meat is browning make the sauce. In a small sauce add the butter and garlic, cook on low until butter is melted.


Once butter is melted add chili sauce, chipotles, tomato paste, broth, oregano and basil. Stir to combine and simmer for 5 minutes. Set sauce aside.

Once meat is browned add kidney beans and half the sauce. Simmer meat mixture on low for 5-10 minutes and roughly mash the beans. Add remaining sauce and combine. Serve over pasta, rice, potatoes, vegetables, whatever you prefer.
