Homemade Pizza Dough

As you’re probably starting to gather, I love pizza. It is so easy and there are so many flavor combinations you can create with pizza which makes it my go to when entertaining. The pizza dough is probably the most important part of the pizza. If the dough isn’t good, it really doesn’t matter what’s on top. I am a big fan of Neapolitan style pizza dough. It is thin, slightly chewy, slightly crispy, and full of flavor and this recipe is just that. This is my go to recipe for pizza dough.

This dough is ideal on a pizza stone. The stone helps crisp up the bottom but cooks it fast enough that the dough stays chewy. Don’t worry, if you don’t have a pizza stone, a hot baking sheet will absolutely work. Regardless of your cooking method, I recommend you try this dough. It takes a little more time to make because of the rising time but the recipe is super easy. And you can double the recipe and store the dough in the freezer for up to 3 months so you always have pizza dough ready to go. This is also a perfect recipe for entertaining since you can make the dough ahead. You can also prep all toppings ahead of time so once people arrive, you can just top the dough with all the ingredients and it will be ready in under 10 minutes. It can’t get much easier.

Pick your favorite toppings and enjoy!


Recipe: makes 2 pizza doughs


1/2 cup warm water + 1 Tbsp


2 tsp honey

2 tsp yeast

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

1 tsp salt

2 cups Italian “00” flour or all purpose flour + more for kneading

To make:

Combine water, honey and yeast in the bowl of your stand mixer and let sit for 5-10 minutes or until it begins to form a foam on top.

Using a dough hook attachment add flour, oil, and salt to mixture and combine. If you don’t have a stand mixture just use your hands to fold in the flour.

Once well combined let sit for 15 minutes.


On a clean surface, sprinkle with flour and remove the dough from bowl.

Knead for 2 minutes.

Using a knife, divide dough into 2 pieces.

Place on a clean platter or surface and cover with a damp towel.

Let rise for 3-5 hours at room temperature or up to 18 hours in the fridge.

When ready to use pull the dough out into a thin circle and it’s ready to use!
