Figgin Smashed

Let’s just say the name fits the drink. This drink is slightly sweet and spicy and very drinkable. It’s also potent so tread lightly. The star is the homemade fig juice which is spiced up with all the fall flavors. This is the perfect drink to make for a party or enjoy by yourself under a blanket. It’s 100% fall and 100% good.

Entertaining tips:

  1. Make the fig juice ahead of time. You can store the juice your refrigerator for up to 1 month.

  2. If you’re making a large batch, mix the fig juice, bourbon, and bitters ahead the morning of and store in the refrigerator. Then just divide into glasses and top with bubbles before serving.

  3. Make this with my Cheesy Pumpkin Lasagna and my Delicata Squash Salad for a fall festive menu.


Recipe: Serves 4


12 fresh figs, quartered

1/2 cup sugar

5 cups water

3 cinnamon sticks

2 tsp whole cloves

10 dashes of bitters

1/3 cup bourbon

1 bottle sparkling wine


  1. Make the fig juice. In a medium sauce pan, bring water to a boil. Once boiling, add sugar and turn down to a simmer. Once sugar is dissolved, add figs, cinnamon sticks, and cloves. Simmer for 45 minutes or until reduced down to about 3 cups. Remove from heat. Allow to cool and then strain and transfer to an airtight container. You can store this in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

  2. To make the cocktail combine bourbon, bitters, and fig juice.

  3. Divide the mixture into 4 glasses with ice.

  4. Top with sparkling wine and serve immediately.

  5. Enjoy!
