Smokey Hallow

Whether you’re having a Halloween party for adults or having a family movie night this is the perfect cocktail for you to enjoy. It’s smokey, spicy, slightly sweet, and a little bit earthy. It’s basically all the fall flavors in one drink and it’s super good. It’s got a kick… you’ve been warned ;)

Entertaining tips:

  1. You definitely want to use homemade grenadine here so make it at least the day before so it has time to chill. You can store the grenadine in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 months.

  2. If you’re hosting a group, make a large batch and serve in a pitcher so everyone can help themselves.

Recipe: Serves 4


4oz homemade grenadine

2 cups pomegranate juice

1/2 cup sugar

Orange peel from one orange

4oz Lemon juice

8oz Bourbon

8oz Mezcal

10 dashes of bitters

Rosemary to garnish (Light the tip with a lighter for a smokey affect)


  1. Make the grenadine. In a small sauce pan, bring juice to a boil. Once boiling, add sugar and turn down to a simmer. Add orange peel and stir until sugar is dissolved. Simmer for another 20 minutes and then remove from heat. Allow to cool and then strain and transfer to an airtight container. You can store this in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

  2. To make the cocktail, combine bourbon, mezcal, lemon juice, and grenadine to a shaker with ice. Shake until chilled.

  3. Divide the mixture into 4 glasses with ice.

  4. Serve immediately and enjoy!
