Miso Cod

As you may have noticed, I don’t really cook with a lot of fish. It’s not because I don’t like fish. In fact, my husband and I usually have fish once a week for dinner. It’s more so because I don’t find it very exciting. It has it’s place as a healthy weeknight dinner but not really as an entertaining entree. To me, entertaining should be so enjoyable. And part of the enjoyment, at least to me, is the fun of being able to splurge on a guilty pleasure menu with the ones I love. However, seeing as it’s the first week of the new year I figured and many of us are looking for a reset for multiple reason, I figured I would give you a healthier option for entertaining, Don’t worry, everyone will still be super satisfied.

Entertaining tips:

  1. This is the best entertaining dish because it takes 10 minutes to prep and you actually have to make it 24-48 hours before cooking.

  2. Since this is fish there isn’t really a make ahead/reheating option but, since it’s ready to go you just need to fry it up in a pan right before serving.


Recipe:serves 4


4 cod fliets

3 Tbsp white miso paste

2 Tbsp granulated sugar

1 Tbsp soy sauce

1/3 cup sake or dry sherry

1 Tbsp canola oil

2 green onions (optional for garnish)



  1. In a small sauce pan, combine miso paste, sugar, soy sauce, and sake.

  2. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Whisk to ensure all ingredients are breaking up and dissolving.

  3. Reduce heat and simmer until sugar is dissolved.

  4. Remove sauce from heat and let cool.

  5. Place cods filets in a large baking dish. Once sauce is cool, pour over the fish. Cover the filets with aluminum or plastic wrap and put in the fridge for 24-48 hours.

  6. When ready to cook, add canola oil to a large fry pan over medium heat.

  7. Add fish and cook for 3-4 minutes per side. Be careful, the oil will pop when you add the fish.

  8. Garnish with green onions and serve immediately.

  9. Enjoy!
