Roasted Tomato and Spicy Pepperoni Pizza with Basil Magic Sauce

Ok, let me start by saying this is my favorite pizza I’ve made thus far. Yes, you’re probably thinking I say that about every pizza I post but this one is my new favorite! This pizza started as 2 separate recipes that just weren’t working for me so I combined them and, let me say, the results are delicious! There are so many flavors in this pizza that blend perfectly together and makes it slightly addicting! The basil magic sauce I made to drizzle on top truly is magic - you’ll want to drizzle it on everything.

Entertaining Tips:

  1. Make the Basil Magic Sauce the day before and store in the refrigerator. Remove from the fridge an hour before serving. Bonus - you’ll probably have leftovers of the sauce so use it over eggs the next morning or with your next cheese plate. The opportunities are endless!

  2. Roast the tomatoes the day before and store in the refrigerator. You can top them on the pizza right out of the fridge since they’ll reheat in the oven.

  3. If you’re making homemade dough, make the day before and store in the fridge overnight. Remove from fridge about 30 minutes before cooking to come to room temp.




1 homemade or store bought pizza dough

1/4 cup cornmeal

1 pint mini heirloom tomatoes

8 cloves of garlic

1 cup crushed San Marzano Tomatoes

1/4 small red onion, thinly sliced

4 oz fresh mozzarella

4 oz spicy pepperoni

1/2 cup olive oil + 1 Tbsp

1 tsp onion powder


1 tsp dried onion

1 Tbsp dried oregano

1 tsp chili flakes

1 Tbsp lemon juice

1/4 cup chopped fresh basil



To make the basil sauce:

Finely chop 5 cloves of garlic.

Place a small sauce pan over medium heat and add 1/2 cup olive oil and the chopped garlic.


Add onion powder, dried onion, oregano, chili flakes, ad 1/2 tsp salt.

Simmer on low for 5 minutes, careful not to burn the garlic then remove from heat.

Add chopped basil and lemon juice and stir to combine.

Set aside and let cool.

To make the tomatoes:

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees. If using a pizza stone, make sure it’s in the oven to start heating up.

Place tomatoes on baking sheet. If tomatoes are bite size, leave them whole.

Thinly slice 3 cloves or garlic.

Drizzle with 1 Tbsp olive oil and sprinkle with 1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper and toss.

Roast in the oven for 10 minutes.

To make the pizza:

Once tomatoes are done. Crank heat up to 500 degrees. Give it about 30 minutes to get really hot.

Sprinkle cornmeal on baking sheet. If using a pizza stone, sprinkle on pizza peel.

Pull pizza dough into a large circle or rectangle.

Mix the crushed tomatoes with 1 Tbsp of basil magic sauce and spread evenly over the dough.


Layer with pepperoni followed by sliced red onions and the roasted tomatoes.

Tear mozzarella into small pieces and top.

Lastly, drizzle 2-3 tablespoons of basil magic sauce on top.

Cook in oven for 7-12 minutes depending on stone or baking sheet. Cook until crust is golden and cheese is bubbling.

Let cool for 5 minutes.

Drizzle with another 2 Tbsp of basil magic sauce.

Cut and enjoy!
